I’m offering a workshop! If you’re trying to get things ready for the holidays it’s a great time to start. Not in Morgantown? No problem. I will pre-cut everything for you and mail it to you. Just make sure that you purchase the full kit so that you will have everything to make these adorable cards.

You can make 10 (5 of each design) cards for only $15 and everything is already cut out for you. All you have to do is stamp and put them together!
My workshop will be held on Saturday December 14th at 11 AM. If you would like to attend please email me.
If you would like a kit mailed to you I can do that too. You just need to have the following things on hand:
C1567 My Acrylix Santa Claus Stamp Set $13.95
Z2165 Juniper Ink Pad $5.25
Z2170 Ruby Ink Pad $5.25
Z2172 Whisper Ink Pad $5.25
Z697 Sponge $1.25
If you would like to order the kit simply email me at Lnamsupak@gmail.com so we can make paypal arrangements and figure out shipping costs. You can order the on-hand items here. Last date to kits ordered is December 15 for shipping on December 16.